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  • Writer's pictureParjit

On This Earth Day

Now that we are arriving at the end of the coronavirus pandemic (or at least most of it), I am reminded of the early days in March 2020, when we were just stepping into this new unknown phase of our lives. I would go for long walks in my neighborhood and would often bring back something from the walk: a leaf, a pine cone, a branch, or a photo. At home, I would record these items in my drawing pad together with some thoughts of that day.

More on this in a bit …

A couple of days ago, I came across some new Earth Day art on Sierra Club’s website. One particular eCard by Sarajo Friedan said, ‘Earth is a Garden’. This image of earth as a garden really struck me!

Of course, Earth is a natural garden! I look around and see abundant and lush growth of trees and wild flowers all around me! At least as much of a garden as humans have spared (or can spare) from their relentless push for development or their need to go to wars.

All these thoughts intrigued me enough to go find this drawing pad of mine from 2020 that I mentioned above. Strikingly, I found that back in those days I considered myself as also being part of the earth garden. Obviously, I was feeling disconnected and disengaged, so I wrote that I needed to replant my roots in this world. In other words - get grounded. Two years later, I am still struggling to replant my roots, but I am in a better place. Here’s an image of these doodles from that period.

Happy Earth Day!

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